Conversations Australia

Handcrafted in Australia: Nood Co’s Success Story on the Behind the Design Podcast

Camilla Ingall

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Chris Walker, co-founder of Nood Co, recently shared his remarkable journey on the Behind the Design podcast with Camilla Ingall from Unfolded. In this episode, Chris reflects on the origins of Nood Co, the challenges and triumphs of building a handcrafted concrete brand, and how staying true to their roots has shaped their success.



It started with a Tea Light

The brand was born eight years ago when after having run a successful plastering company with co-founder Matt Di Costa, Chris found himself moving to Perth and living in Matt and Kim’s house in the middle of their renovation. 

“Kim and I were having a laugh and a beer when Matt came running in from the other room - at that stage half their house was sort of knocked down mid-reno as many people can relate. He came in with a laptop with a photo of this big, beautiful ceramic sink and said can you imagine this in concrete? So I said I’ll just make it, how hard can it be? It all started from that moment.” - Chris Walker, Behind the Design Podcast

Chris Walker, Kim and Matt Di Costa | First Nood Co Photoshoot 2018

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Within two weeks, Chris had bought some silicone and made a tiny tea light concrete candle - the first official Nood Co product.  “We sat around the dinner table, amazed by this tiny candle. I think it showed us that we could use concrete with form and colour and that we could create anything we wanted, like this is endless” Chris tells Camilla. 

Handcrafted and Proudly Australian

The very first Nood Co factory was Matt’s semi-enclosed driveway. “We’re standing on concrete, there’s building materials everywhere and we’re like we’ve got to make this Trough sink for Matt and Kim’s house. We realised after a few weeks that we couldn’t do this in a car port. Not consistently.” Chris says. After a brief stint in Matt’s sisters garage, the two of them finally found a factory in Osborne park which Nood Co still operates out of to this day.

Matt & Kim's House (Completed) | Driveway where Nood Co began

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Chris Walker in Nood Co Factory (2018)

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After first exploring concrete furniture, it wasn’t long before they found their niche; handcrafted concrete basins. Despite public perceptions of the brand being bigger than it is, “I bump into people and they’re like ‘oh you guys are huge’ or ‘you guys are manufactured overseas. They don’t realise that we’re a small little business operating out of Perth of all places.” The brand has remained proudly Australian made from day one and has no plans of changing that.

Chris emphasises the value of maintaining a small, close-knit team. “I spend time with the team every day—whether it’s sweeping up or restocking their workstations. We’re all in this together, and that connection keeps the quality and passion alive in what we do.”

Perfecting the Concrete Mix

One of the brand’s defining elements is its custom concrete mix, developed through years of experimentation. “I didn’t have a chemistry background,” Chris admits. “But I was determined to understand concrete on a molecular level.” - a quality that Chris has had since childhood where he was always pulling things apart. The mix is now a critical part of Nood Co’s product line, allowing them to create durable, beautiful basins that can withstand daily use.

Trough Basin | The very first Nood Co product

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Furniture by Nood Co (Discontinued)

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This hands-on approach extends to every part of their business. From pouring the concrete to shipping the final product, Nood Co is deeply involved in each step of the process, ensuring that their basins not only look good but are built to last.

Running Their Own Race

Nood Co’s success hasn’t come without challenges. When Chris and Matt first entered the industry, they went to others for advice, “When you enter a new industry you’re reliant on information from those who came before you. People can only tell you what they’ve been taught, but sometimes that can be limiting,” Chris explains. “We had to push boundaries and test everything ourselves to deliver a superior product.”

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This philosophy of “running your own race” has been central to Nood Co’s growth. Chris believes that focusing too much on competitors can distract from what matters most: their customers. “If you’re constantly looking outward, you lose sight of the people you’re creating for,” he says. By staying true to their vision and values, Nood Co has been able to carve out a unique space in the market.

Building an Experience, Not Just a Product

For Chris, Nood Co is about more than just making basins—it’s about creating an experience. “A basin is central to a bathroom, which is often a retreat for people,” he says. “It’s a space where they relax and unwind. We have a responsibility to make sure the product we deliver adds to that.”

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Customer feedback plays a vital role in this. After receiving comments from industry partners about their email and tracking system, Chris and his team are working to revamp their communication process. “It’s amazing what doors open when you ask, ‘What can we be doing better?’” Chris says.

The Power of Collaboration

Nood Co has developed strong relationships with Architects and Designers, who Chris views as essential partners. “They know their customers intimately, and they help us connect with the right people - those who appreciate something handmade and unique.”

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Chris acknowledges that not everyone is a fit for Nood Co’s custom, handcrafted approach, but he’s confident in the company’s niche. As Camilla put it, “It takes confidence to own your niche,” Chris agreed, adding “We’re not for everyone, but the people who get it, love it.”

Sustainability and Looking Ahead

Sustainability is another pillar of Nood Co’s ethos. The company’s concrete recycling process ensures that any waste material is sent to a local facility where it is recycled. “We’re committed to quality, so we don’t reuse concrete in-house,” Chris explains. “But it’s important to us that nothing goes to waste which is why we utilise a local recycling facility.”

Nood Co Concrete Mix | Annelie Hansen Photography

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As for the future, Chris hints at exciting new products in development, though he’s careful not to reveal too much. “We’ve learned to be thoughtful about what we release,” he says. “It has to complement what we’re already doing and deliver a great experience for our customers.”

Passion Drives It All

Ultimately, what sets Nood Co apart is Chris’s passion. “It’s the hardest, most challenging, and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done,” he says. “Every day, I get up and head to the factory at 6 a.m. because I love what I do. If it’s not in my heart, it’s not in theirs.” referring to his team.

Nood Co Team 2024 | Annelie Hansen Photography

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Nood Co’s journey from a dinner table conversation to Australia’s leading concrete brands is a testament to perseverance, innovation, and a deep connection to their craft. As the company looks to the future, one thing is clear: Nood Co will continue to run its own race, crafting products that bring beauty and meaning to everyday spaces.

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September 13, 2024

Anastasia Ignatova


Handcrafted in Australia: Nood Co’s Success Story on the Behind the Design Podcast